La religión en América: Or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relation to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in th

La religión en América: Or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relation to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in th (Robert Baird)

Título original:

Religion in America: Or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relation to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in th

Contenido del libro:

""Con nuestra serie American Philosophy and Religion, Applewood reedita muchas fuentes primarias publicadas a lo largo de la historia de Estados Unidos.

A través de estos libros, eruditos, intérpretes, estudiantes y no académicos pueden conocer el pensamiento y las creencias de los estadounidenses que nos precedieron. ""

Otros datos del libro:

Encuadernación:Tapa blanda


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La religión en América: Or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relation to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in th - Religion in America: Or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, Relation to the State, and Present Condition of the Evangelical Churches in th
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