Presentación del autor Thomas Scharf J.:

Libros publicados hasta ahora por Thomas Scharf J.:

Historia del oeste de Maryland, Historia de los condados de Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll,...
Se trata de un tratado monumental sobre la...
Historia del oeste de Maryland, Historia de los condados de Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washington, Allegany y Garrett. en tres volúmenes. Volumen I - History of Western Maryland, Being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. in Three Volumes. Volume I
History of Baltimore City and County from the Earliest Period to the Present Day 1881 : Incluyendo...
Apenas hay un tema que no trate Scharf, lo que...
History of Baltimore City and County from the Earliest Period to the Present Day [1881]: Incluyendo Esbozos Biográficos de sus Hombres Representativos. - History of Baltimore City and County from the Earliest Period to the Present Day [1881]: Including Biographical Sketches of Their Representative Men.
Historia del oeste de Maryland Vol. II - History of Western Maryland Vol. II
Visitando los seis condados del oeste de Maryland, pasando mucho tiempo en cada...
Historia del oeste de Maryland Vol. II - History of Western Maryland Vol. II
History of Baltimore City and County Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day 1881 :...
Apenas hay un tema que no trate Scharf, lo que...
History of Baltimore City and County [Maryland] from the Earliest Period to the Present Day [1881]: Incluye reseñas biográficas de sus representantes. - History of Baltimore City and County [Maryland] from the Earliest Period to the Present Day [1881]: Including Biographical Sketches of Their Represent
History of Western Maryland, Being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washington,...
Se trata de un tratado monumental sobre la...
History of Western Maryland, Being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. en tres volúmenes, Volumen I - History of Western Maryland, Being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. in Three Volumes, Volume I
History of Western Maryland, Being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washignton,...
Se trata de un tratado monumental sobre la...
History of Western Maryland, Being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washignton, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. en tres volúmenes. Volumen I - History of Western Maryland, Being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washignton, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. in Three Volumes. Volume I

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