Cartel Pubn

Libros publicados hasta ahora por la editorial Cartel Pubn:

Raunchy 2: Mad's Love (The Cartel Publications Presents)
Después de escapar de la muerte a manos de su propio hijo, uno pensaría que Harmony Phillips cambiaría. En lugar de...
Raunchy 2: Mad's Love (The Cartel Publications Presents)
Shyt List 6: The Original Bitch Of Revenge Returns (The Cartel Publications Presents) ((t Styles)...
Viviendo en Filipinas, Yvonna Harris hace todo lo...
Shyt List 6: The Original Bitch Of Revenge Returns (The Cartel Publications Presents) ((t Styles) Reign)
Year of the Crackmom (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Year of the Crackmom (the Cartel...
Kaneesha y su novio Jarvis luchan por cuidar de sí...
Year of the Crackmom (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Year of the Crackmom (the Cartel Publications Presents)
La casa que construyó el crack (The Cartel Publications Presents) - The House That Crack Built (The...
Perderse este libro corre de su cuenta. Cuando una...
La casa que construyó el crack (The Cartel Publications Presents) - The House That Crack Built (The Cartel Publications Presents)
Pitbulls in a Skirt 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Pitbulls in a Skirt 3 (the Cartel...
Mercedes está perdiendo el control de los hombres de...
Pitbulls in a Skirt 3 (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Pitbulls in a Skirt 3 (the Cartel Publications Presents)
Impuesto de lujo: La serie completa (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Luxury Tax: The Complete...
En un barrio de Kentland, Maryland, se suceden los...
Impuesto de lujo: La serie completa (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Luxury Tax: The Complete Series (the Cartel Publications Presents)
Ella trae lo peor (The Cartel Publications Presents) - She Brings The Worst Kind (The Cartel...
Afincada en Washington D. C., Joni Pinter tiene serios...
Ella trae lo peor (The Cartel Publications Presents) - She Brings The Worst Kind (The Cartel Publications Presents)
Lipstick Dom (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Lipstick Dom (the Cartel Publications...
Echo Kelly tiene un secreto que sólo su diario conoce. Pero...
Lipstick Dom (The Cartel Publications Presents) - Lipstick Dom (the Cartel Publications Presents)
Pitbulls in a Skirt 4: Killer Klan (The Cartel Publications Presents)
Los Pitbulls que tanto te gustan regresan en este drama explosivo. Cuando Persia, la hija...
Pitbulls in a Skirt 4: Killer Klan (The Cartel Publications Presents)
La casa que construyó el crack 4: Reggie y Amina (The Cartel Publications Presents) - The House That...
Reggie y Amina deberían sentirse acribillados por...
La casa que construyó el crack 4: Reggie y Amina (The Cartel Publications Presents) - The House That Crack Built 4: Reggie & Amina (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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